Store Guide
Welcome to the store guide, where you will find all the information you need when donating.
Last updated
Welcome to the store guide, where you will find all the information you need when donating.
Last updated
After purchase, your package will be added to your account within a few minutes, use the /store command in-game to redeem.
Redeem Item: This redeems the package, Enjoy!
Sell To Player: This will transfer the entier package, including any reedemable content, to the specified player.
Copy Code to Clipboard: Example: [7C43-19A3] This is your item code.
If you have purchased:
Custom Weapon
Model Adjustment
You now become a VIP and have access to a wide range of perks! including: VIP Island, VIP Garage, VIP Aircraft Garage, VIP Gunstore & many more!
For more information on our ranks vist HERE
Use the /store command in-game to redeem.
Custom Car: You can leave the custom car slot empty to recive an import slot instead
VIP Car: You can pick & preview a car before you select it
To find out more about cmg subscriptions please vist HERE
You can manage your perks & subscription ingame by typing /cmgclub