After purchasing the "Gang license, you will be able to press F5,which will then pull up the gang menu
Within the funds category, you can store money there and not be taxed, when getting fined by speed cameras and also pulling out a new car. If you have members in your gang, you can also see who has put money into gang funds or taken out money from the gang funds and see how much.
Within the members category, here you can manage who's in your gang whether it's inviting, kicking or promoting/demoting them. You can also "pin" them if you have the advanced gang license, which will allow you to see where they are on the map.
With the logs, it allows you to see all money that's been added / withdrawn from your gang funds. Red displays money withdrawn, and Green displays money deposited into the account.
This allows you to control the advanced gang license settings ie, turning on blips, enabling pings and showing your team mates names above their heads.
Advanced gang license:
In the members list this allows you to select a gang as a prioirity by selecting "set as selected" for the advanced gang license which will allow you to enable the advanced gang license settings or "remove selection" which turns all of the features off and sets you back as your normal gang, also you have to have a "gang radio" on you and to also pin the members in your gang to be able to see their names above their heads and blips.
Within the turfs page, you can see the commission on a specific turf, and how much that gang has made from owning that turf, the turfs menu only gets updated every 15 minutes to prevent power-gaming.
Within the advanced gang license security you can set a limit to how much players within your gang can withdraw per day. You can also set it so then players can't actually withdraw more than they have deposited which is very handy.
Preview of the Gang menu
Advanced gang license with all of the settings enabled (blips on, names on, pings on), you need a gang radio to be able to use these features aswell.