Looking for something in particular ? Use the search bar at the top right of your screen on the gitbook.
Q. Where can I report someone?
You can either report a player by doing /calladmin ingame, or via the cmg forums - Report a player
Q. Where can I appeal my ban?
You can appeal your ban via the forums - Unban Appeal
Q. How do I connect to the server?
Search "CMG" in the server browser or press F8
Connect s1.cmg.city
Q. How do I get my ID?
If you do /getmyid ingame this will display your permanent id in the top left of your chat.
Q. What are the controls?
A full list of controls can be found here
Q. What is boot wipe?
Boot wipes happen to help keep the economy some what stable and to prevent people from gathering an arsenal turning the city into a warzone. What does this boot wipe include - All weapons equipped - All items in your house storage - All items in your vehicle boots - All items in your characters inventory (L)
Q. How do I donate?
To donate to the server visit our store
Q. What are the controls or commands?
Full list of controls can be found HERE
Q. How do I open my inventory?
If you press L on your keyboard it will open up a ui which will display anything on you characters person.
Q. Stuck beneath the map?
If you're stuck under the map, try the following commands which should work and teleport you above the map. /unstuck /reset , if neither work do /calladmin and wait for them to take your ticket.
Q. How do you clean dirty cash?
Check out this guide
Q. How do i earn money?
Q. Server appearing offline but showing online in the #status section of the discord?
If the server is appearing offline whilst it's not meant to (only times the server should appear offline is during the daily restart at 10am which takes about 15-25 minutes), if you open your f8 console whilst having fivem open and paste in the servers connect, and paste the following
"connect s1.cmg.city"
Q. Car garage menu not popping up?
If you're on a car spawner and the menu is not popping up, this is due to the fact that it is a VIP car garage that requires the supporter rank. Purchasing the supporter rank gives you access to a lot more car spawners and garages around the map, as well as a new respawn location known as "vip island", you also get a 500k money bag along with being able to choose a VIP car of your choice ingame via the /store menu.
Q. Steam account not found?
The reason this message appears when you try to join the server is because your steam account is an identifier for the server (to detect ban evaders / cheaters etc...), to fix this issue, you must close fivem fully, then go and open your steam fully (you must have an account), then you can launch fivem again whilst still having steam fully open and you'll be able to join the server perfectly fine. (It does not matter which launcher you have gta purchased on whether it's epic games, steam or the rockstar launcher, you just have to follow the steps above).
Last updated