London Fire Brigade
CMG London Fire Brigade
Last updated
CMG London Fire Brigade
Last updated
You must be 15 years or older, you must have 40 hours minimum.
Less than 4 Points on your F10
Maximum of 3 bans in the past 2 weeks on your F10
Know the LFB procedures which can be found here.
Upon getting your application accepted you can request for training in the
LFB Discord and someone will assist you, you will then need to do 2 hours as a Provisional Firefighter before making it to the rank of Junior Firefighter.
If you have any questions about your application feel free to join the LFB Discord and talk to a member of command who can answer any further questions you might have.
To make a complaint about an LFB Member join the LFB Discord and open a ticket in the #lfb-complaints channel.