There are lots of commands that can be used in order to enhance your gameplay here's a list and explanations
Looking for something in particular? Use the search bar at the top right of your screen on the gitbook.
General Controls
To use the chat, then TAB to cycle through chat modes
Opens Interaction Menu (Player, Vehicle, Bag)
Clothing Menu
Opens your Phone
Put Hands Up!
Push to Talk
Information Menu
Open Settings
Emote Menu
Gang Menu
To view your licenses
Open the stats menu
To view your warning logs
Loot Closest Bag
Player List
Page UP
Cycle Proximity Chat (Whisper, Talking, Shouting)
L Alt
Talk over Radio (Radio is required)
Vehicle Controls
Enter/Leave vehicle
, (comma)
Lock/Unlock your vehicle
Vehicle control menu
Livery menu
To push a nearby broken vehicle
To get inside the car boot
In chat to flip an overturned vehicle
Turns the engine on, in your latest vehicle
Turns the interior lights on, in your vehicle
Roleplay Controls
Point finger
Put Hands Up!
To knockout a player with your gun
To whistle and wave hand
To place a headbag on the nearest player (requires 2 headbags)
In chat to get on your knees
In chat to take a player hostage (hostage must have their hands up)
In chat to request to carry someone
In chat to request to piggyback someone
This command allows you to display a specific text above your head head
In chat to call the police to your location
Displays your driving license
Police Controls / Commands
Toggle emergency lights / 1,2,3,4 for Sirens / additional 7,8,9 for non standard lights
Cuff Player
Opens the PNC Tablet
L Alt
Talk over Police Radio (Emergency radio is required)
To tackle the nearest player
To drag the nearest player in cuffs
To pull the nearest player out their vehicle
In chat to open the radio menu
Manage your police dog
Spawns a ride-able police horse
In chat to toggle ANPR menu
Locks the currently data displayed on the ANPR
Flags the vehicle clocked on your rear ANPR
Flags the vehiclec clocked on your front ANPR
In chat to open the traffic menu
In chat to reload tazer
In chat to open the PD handbook
In chat to clamp a vehicle
In chat to breathalyse the nearest player
Enables blips
Disables blips
/cuff & /frontcuff
In chat to cuff the nearest player
In chat to alert all PD members to your location
Flash your police warrant card
Shows a list of current prisoners (HMP)
Setup a knife arch
Remove a knife arch
Authorsie a section 60 order (chief superintendent and above have access to use this command
NHS Controls
Press E (on person) > CPR > Observations > Shock Patient
To open the NHS Menu
Body Bag a dead player
Drag a body
Call Manager
Accept Call
Deny Call
Server Commands
This command will bring up a prompt menu on the left of your screen asking you to describe your issue. This is where you tell the Staff team the issue your facing and they will respond at the earliest convenience.
This command opens up the store interaction menu, which displays your current donation rank and any store bought items that haven't been claimed yet.
This command opens up the CMG subscriptions' interaction menu and allows you to use the CMG Platinum and CMG Plus subscription perks.
Creates a bmx (To have access you must nitro boost the CMG discord)
Creates a moped (requires CMG Plus subscription)
Opens your daily rewards menu each day redeem a reward
lottery tickets which can be purchased in a convenience store for ÂŖ25,000 each. The lottery is drawn weekly and the winning player is drawn randomly from the pool of tickets. You can view the current amount in the pot and more by running the command /lottery
This command will fetch your permanent ID which you might have to use in order to apply for roleplay factions or any purchases on the store that you might make.
Provides you with your temporary ID
Sends a message in twitter anonymously
/storeallweapons &
These commands can be used to store weapons or items that you have on your person and are then accessible through your inventory at any time. they can also be re-binded to any key
Stores wearable backpacks
This command will teleport you to ground level if you find yourself stuck under the map and are unable to get out. Upon running the command you will have a prompt telling you to stay still for 30 seconds and then you will be teleported to the surface.
Fixes texture loss in an area
/e [Emote] to start a emote/animation
/e c
Cancels emote/animation
This command opens up the Pet interaction menu, and allows you to use your in-game purchased pets.
Enables a compass at the top of your screen
Toggles on / off street names above minimap
To turn on and turn off the killfeed
Allows you to play russian roulette (Requires 1 bullet and a revolver)
opens radio menu
This command hides all the UIs on your screen, including: map, health, chat, tempids, notifications, weaponwheel.
This command hides the chat
This command hides the tempids above players
This command hides the map, healthbar & weaponwheel
This command shows all previously hidden uis.
This command allows you to join an in-game event when one is hosted.
This command allows you to leave and on-going event
This command allows you to reset/restart your voice chat
CMG supports the use of custom crosshairs and you do not have to run any external software to do so. With this menu you can customise and create a crosshair to suit your needs. See an image below.
Toggle the smoke trail on (for planes)
Toggle the smoke trail off
Opens the DJ Menu interaction menu
To manage your driving licence
This command will show your phone pin in chat (only visible to you) in case you ever forget your four-digit password to enter your phone.
Discord Commands
Check how many hours you have in the server
Gives a link to the forums
Gives a link to the wiki page
Gives a link to create an unban appeal
Links you to the store
Reset a social account password on your ingame phone
Receive any missing roles in the discord
Get Car Owner, shows the owners of a specific vehicle spawncode
How Many Cars, shows the amount of owners of a specific vehicle spawncode
Provides you with the sheet displaying all baller locked vehicles in the server
Allows you to bid on an auction
Allows you to submit a report regarding a broken car to the car developers
Give you the server ip - F8 -> connect
The latest information regarding the status of all of our services
Link your twitter account to your CMG account for a ingame reward
To find your FiveM crash files navigate to this directory:
Provides you with the link of the song being used in the loading screen
Provides you with the link to the catalogue vehicles, available as custom imports
Provides you a list of all commands
Press F8
Type: bind KEYBOARD G "e carry"
Press F8
Type: unbind keyboard G
CMG Custom Keybinds
Settings > Keybinds > CMG
Last updated