Connection Issues
This guide is to help you troubleshoot connection issues you might face when trying to join the CMG server.
Last updated
This guide is to help you troubleshoot connection issues you might face when trying to join the CMG server.
Last updated
If there is ever a server outage that is related to CMG's infrastructure or FiveM's infrastructure, then there will be a message in the #status channel at the top of the discord. There are no expected wait times for incidents to be resolved on FiveM's infrastructure. So before trying to troubleshoot your issue, check your status for any ongoing problems.
You can also see a more in-depth status through the status sites below.
FiveM Status â Click Here
CMG Status â Click Here
The official client issues FAQ found here in order to complete basic troubleshooting of your issue.
There are quite a few common errors when connecting to the server you might face commonly and there will be resolutions attached to each explained error.
This commonly happens if you have been timed out from the server due to your current network conditions, and the solution is to wait out the 120 seconds and then connect again once you have waited.
There is a very simple fix to this issue, and you can do this by opening the settings on the FiveM home page, going to Game, and then changing your "update channel."
The reason this message appears when you try to join the server is because your Steam account is an identifier for the server (to detect ban evaders, cheaters, etc.). To fix this issue, you must close FiveM fully, then go and open Steam fully (you must have an account), then you can launch FiveM again whilst still having Steam fully open, and you'll be able to join the server perfectly fine. (It does not matter which launcher you have purchased GTA on, whether it's Epic Games, Steam, or the Rockstar launcher; you just have to follow the steps above.)
Press F8 on your keyboard to open the Console and then type Connect
These are issues that are with your host machine that prevent you from joining the server and their resolutions.
This server does not allow the use of modified game files like fps booster packs. If you're unable to join the server because of this then remove any modified game files you added.
This is a common error where either your FiveM cache is full and it is causing assets fail to download which prevent you from connecting or where you have no or little free memory left on the drive you have FiveM installed on.
How to clear your FiveM cache: To solve this you can clear your Cache by following these steps below:
1 - Right click FiveM on your desktop and click Open file Location.
2 - You should then be brought to the start menu folder where you then need to repeat the same step to Open file location.
3 - You should then be presented with a couple folders which you should then click FiveM application data.
4 - Once you are in that folder if you open the folder Data.
5 - Delete these folders: cache, server-cache & server-cache-priv.
6 - Empty your recycling bin!